Why do wolves howl? A wolf born embraced by his mother's fur wolf is fed by the herd and does nothing but play with his brothers to 3 months, then fill important roles in their society, in hunting and in the hierarchy of the same .
become Cubs after 3 months under the tutelage of his strict mother and father sacrificed are educated and become stronger, learn the art of Lobos, and are happy ...
at one year and a half as the Lobos are titled full-fledged, should provide food for his flock, especially the smaller ones and serve the Alpha, the most respected and strong wolf pack, a small cost of living with his family and share the joy with her litter to exist.
But there comes a moment in the life of every wolf to be separated and embark on a mission of extreme solitude in search of their own, other wolves have also been away from his pack to form a new, in a new place ...
say the day that the new part of her mother wolf licks his cheek and is preparing a last meal for the long journey. His father accompanies him instead to the ends of the territory, without mentioning a single grunt, and when your child is already far out of sight, at that time where only the smell used to feel still at his side, hard to Howl your child will listen ...
A strange habit, howl, and really bad the question should be something like:
- What kind of Wolves howl?
- Only two types, parents who miss the Son and the Son he misses Lone parents.