Wednesday, December 16, 2009

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As I can train my cat to use her litter box?

can train your cat to use her litter box between 3 or 4 weeks old. The box should be located in a quiet corner where the cat is not bothered destraiga or easily. Never put the litter box near the food. We must put the amount of sand needed so that the kitten can make a hole and bury their little things completely. Dale tiempoa acostumnrarse latite to the texture and smell of the litter box. If Occasionally it is made out just tell him: No! and bring it to your mailbox. To inspire the Gatin to use box area assume she put it on after lunch, when they give them more desire to go to relieve themselves.

If after that, still refuses to use the cash it, change of place and change the type of sand.

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17 Things worth knowing about your cat.

I know is in English but even the pictures are funny!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

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My cats are fighting among themselves.

occasional fights between cats are common when there are multiple cats in one house. But when the fights become the standard can take some steps to stop them. Identifies

well who is the aggressor and who is attacked, separate them when they can not watch. When you see an attack hit the aggressor corrective action (no hits) and attacked a prize.

Corrective measures can include: confinement for short periods of time in a less attractive place, put a collar with bell on the offender or squirt water spray during the attacks (not before and not after)

Awards for the assault may be: let him go around the house or give affection.

Gradually increase the interactions between them, rewarding them for good behavior and punishing them if the opposite occurs.