Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Télécharger Nero

Digg, it goes to the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology Clinic on Tibidado

García-Pérez, M. A. (En prensa). Accuracy and completeness of publication and citation records in the Web of Science, PsycINFO, and Google Scholar: A case study for the computation of h indices in Psychology. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology . [ link ].
[T]he validity of journal impact factors for any purpose whatsoever has recently been questioned because the method by which they are computed is neither transparent nor reproducible (Brumback, 2008a, 2008b; Carrió, 2008; Hernán, 2008; Joseph&Hoey, 1999; Porta & Álvarez-Dardet, 2008; Rogers, 2002; Rossner, van Epps & Hill, 2007, 2008; Seglen, 1997b; The PLoS Medicine Editors, 2006; Wilcox, 2008) and also because of the ease with which journal impact factors can be manipulated (Agrawal, 2005; Brumback, 2009; Cameron, 2005; Della Sala & Brooks, 2008; Falagas &Alexiou, 2007, 2008; Lavie, 2009; Opatrný, 2008; Reedijk & Moed, 2008; Schutte & Švec, 2007; Seglen, 1997b; Sevinc, 2004; Topo Universitario, 2008 , van Diest, Holzel, Burnett, & Crocker, 2001, Yu & Wang, 2007). [Pg. 1 of preprint)]

The appointment is this entry.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Stugeron Labyrinthitis

and conversion therapies

clinic record a 'cure' homosexuality

The Catalan Generalitat has opened a file to a clinic in Barcelona to implement therapies to cure homosexuality. Tibidabo Polyclinic makers offer their patients, presumably, pills and psychiatric treatment to stop being gay. "There is no scientific evidence that homosexuality hold should be treated as a disease, regardless of personal ideology, "he said yesterday the Minister of Health, Marina Geli, to investigate whether other psychiatric centers also apply medical solutions to sexual orientation. ( The Country , 15/06 / 10).
For starters, what disease or not is never determined by scientific evidence. The normal and acceptable are the result of social consensus behind them, without much scratching, are values. Homosexuality left the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders thanks to pressure from gay groups, and mainly because it was meaningless common (common sense) ¹.

Second, something to be treated with pills do not imply that it is considered a disease. Having more than seventy-five men with erection problems is not a disease, but there are treatments with pills for the occasion. The match condition is medical treatment have a very limited conception of the role of physicians. Pulling

simple logic, there are two options we can ofrecersi psychological or medical consultation comes a person who is dissatisfied with being gay (or have little breast, or with being albino ...),: facilitating change or help to accept what is there. The pequeño gran detalle , el caso de la homosexualidad, es:
What About So-Called "Conversion Therapies"?

Some therapists who undertake so-called conversion therapy report that they have been able to change their clients' sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Close scrutiny of these reports, however. show several factors that cast doubt on their claims. For example, many of these claims come from organizations with an ideological perspective that condemns homosexuality. Furthermore, their claims are poorly documented; for example, treatment outcome is not followed and reported over time, as would be the standard to test the validity of any mental health intervention.
Dicho de otro modo: currently no effective therapy to change sexual orientation. Whoever offers, is blowing smoke. Is generating customer expectations that may not satisfy. Is demonstrating that, or do not know the latest developments in their discipline, or is a swindler.

Do you agree here? If your answer is yes, please justify why not charge against Clinical Tibidado (and many more) to offer homeopathic treatments (useless), many doctors who provide protein diet (useless) and other interventions in the field of health, not that are not supported by data but the evidence clearly shows that they are useless. There are many, many professionals who do not read a single magazine that in his life viewing Cochrane Library or the like, for which health is no longer the stuff of science but of "enlightened intuition." People who do damage (and the upper limit damage health and know what it is), which lose money ... and can sleep so quiet because they claim to cure homosexuality. ¹

no room for doubt, share this common-sense which homosexuality is not a disease. I can hardly imagine rational arguments to defend the opposite. But my arguments are non-disease based on values, not science.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Birthday Verses From Bible

I know the friend's cousin's Counsel - A comment on the Report of Assessment Results 2009 General Diagnostic

According to the analysis of data obtained by TEACHERS of the 50 sites evaluated by the Valencian Institute for Evaluation ... [see PS]
data EGD-2009 are not public. Those interested in educational evaluation have to do an act of faith that have been tested properly and we can not ask additional questions that arise from the Appraisal Institute.

Were properly analyzed? We know there

incorrect analysis. For example, multiple comparisons are made mean, but pairwise comparisons, triggering the risk of errors. Even those pairwise comparisons are wrong. Likewise, we know that the Rasch model is wrong when a group of items sharing a set. In this case, violates the assumption of independence is necessary to model local and the correlation between the specificities of the items with an additional parameter . In this case, the Cronbach alpha coefficient is an inadequate indicator of the reliability of the scale.

Elsewhere, we have questions. For an important part of the results presented, we ignore the statistical techniques employed. The field of measurement in education is not static. Has not reached the point where there are a few methods known and recognized as the best and always be applied. There are several magazines: Applied Measurement in Education, Applied Psychological Measurement , Educational and Psychological Measurement , Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics , Journal of Educational Measurement. Only a detailed analysis method to assess whether we have incorporated methods that have shown better performance. One can not be released differential item functioning saying "The procedure used was to compare the difficulty parameter of items within the comparison groups "(p. 36)." Raju method or Thissen? Only took into account also the statistical significance or effect size?

respect to differential item functioning, greatly surprised comments like: "The results of the Basque Country in the competition in knowledge and interaction with the physical world do not appear within the graph by a differential operation items Euskera version" (p. 66). In international reports, such as PISA, is achieved compared to many countries, many with language disparity equal to or greater than what can found between English and Basque. How can the Appraisal Institute has failed in this? We do not know if they fail all items, to what extent they do, if you save some questions that might help to establish a common metric ...

Additional Questions?

And here the origin of this annotation. Many / several / some researchers who would like to make a use of data looking for answers to new questions or trying to verify that previous responses are well founded. But only some can.

Now comes the beautiful game "I know a. .." "You will pass the database because I know that your questions will get you the answers I want" or "what you give me in return ...?". This is the idea of \u200b\u200btransparency, promotion of research or evidence-based social policies that have our politicians and managers.

not make public the data seems like a joke. That already have reparse start about people who do that have happened to me like another data joke.

PS (23/06 - 18:40). My apologies to Pablo Rovira, the author of the news journalist of Education. I've had very little touch to title this entry, so that could be understood to accuse Mr. Rovira 'Dirty tricks' or subservience to get the data. It was never my intention.

wanted to criticize that, by not publishing the book, opened a (potential) few clear ways to capture them. I do not criticize those who succeed, but to those who have them and not distributed. Obviously, the work of a journalist involved with their profession is to try to get them and I have no reason to question the way you have come to them Mr Rovira.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wife Breastfeeding Husband

relationships between teachers and students

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mucus In Stool And Pregnant

The Handkerchief ...

I dreamed today, while I was awake, with a woman thin and light as smoke, evasive as mist... She looked at me and smile, like recalling good memories from the past...

I smiled back, she close her eyes filled with joy and floated away from me, I was resting at the roots of an enormous tree... and I understand... I betrayed you, yet, you still smile and dance for me... ! did I betrayed you really?, never stop missing you, lazy bump!

Broken Cappilaries On Upper Cheek

confidence intervals and mean - A comment on the Report of Assessment Results 2009 General Diagnostic

Blog Thanks to Jose Manuel Lacasa which I find out the results report the General Diagnostic Assessment 2009 . The temptation is too great and, although the work overwhelms me (including week and a half contest Assistant Doctor), I rush to review the report.

'll comment a single point, technical and statistical cutoff. On page 62 of the report reads:
among all communities with average scores next (with differences such that confidence intervals partly overlap) nothing can be said about the "order" that some have compared to others.
Translated: when the confidence interval of two means overlap, the difference between the two is not statistically significant.

Too bad that this sentence is false. Interested readers can consult, among others:
  • Austin, P. C, & Hux, JE (2002). A brief note on overlapping confidence intervals. Journal of Vascular Surgery, 36 ,194-195.
  • Cumming, G, & Finch, S. (2005). Inference by eye: Confidence intervals and how to read pictures of data. American Psychologist, 60 ,170-180.
  • Schenker, N, & Gentleman, JF (2001). On judging the Significance of Differences by Examining the Overlap Between Confidence Intervals. The American Statistician, 55 , 182-186.
  • Wolfe, R, & Hanley, J. (2002). So Different If we're why do we keep overlapping? When 1 plus 1 Does not Make 2. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 166 , 65-66.
As pointed a pair of researchers in the title of an article Researchers misunderstand confidence intervals and standard error bars .

An example will illustrate how two confidence intervals can overlap and, nevertheless, that the mean difference is statistically significant. The data have here. This is the same variable measured on two different groups, with 25 observations per group.
  • The group 0 has an average of 500, with a confidence level of 95% between 415.7 and 584.3.
  • Group 1 has an average of 650, with an interval of 95% confainza between 565.7 and 734.3. Group 1 is the result of adding 150 to each observation group 0.
a graph here shows the same information and see how the confidence intervals overlap.

When we make a comparison of means of two independent samples, we found that ... p = 0.01241 < 0.05. Luego rechazamos la hipótesis nula y podemos afirmar que la diferencia entre las dos medias es estadísticamente significativa.

Serve this as an example that, once again, the Evaluation Institute analyzed the data with a strictly lower than expected. The Evaluation Institute has statistical gaps psychometric and preventing them from making the best decisions of analysis at all times and that sometimes leads them to questionable conclusions.

Certainly, this is not important for a rather simple reason:
  • The report is politically irrelevant. This country has given up an education policy based on evidence. Do you think that will have any effect which the report says, explicitly, that increased use of new technologies does not improve performance? Or that private schools provide equivalent results to the public (after controlling for the effect of socio-economic-cultural students) but with a ratio pupil / teacher much higher, that is, that private schools are more efficient?
  • The report does not ask what's important. The report asks for all that we can not control, where he studies people who have studied their parents, where they were born ... But do not go into teaching methods which lead to results. We can not know whether this philosophy of education is better than another, because not within the questionnaire. And it's much easier to teach the best way to teach immigrants to mutate national.
back to my hole.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Van Heusen Swot Analysis

Stop! Pepo

Cuidado, Warning! stop stop!!

Un poco relief after a so many 4's, I realize that sticks in your head and do nothing about it and I do suffer a bit too important to the people I love ...

are 21.01 at the moment and writing of pure anger at not having another method to relax .. besides meditating but that takes about 1 hour and a half and you have to pay! (Ha! damn race)

This is a warning to the reader and those who claim to know:

I admit, yep!, manipulate people, intentionally, unintentionally, no matter , manipulation is manipulation ...! a friend recently I said something that I ponder now that is true of me, I'm selfish for many things and altruistic to others very few! lack the ability to keep constant in many tasks, but I remain firm very few other ...

not capable of falling in love over several years! (Although I have not fallen eeh, eye! ) and lack the ability to hold on to a real truth is that I feel bad being so flexible and be A and B one day a week later, then be C, then AxB ^ C, understand? and as such I will not confuse me today if the world says it's best to be flexible! I forgot that I did not trust in those studies double-blind, randomized and all the chatter!

Ha Ha! so so but I've fallen so low that I am at your same level! ...

Warning Warning! that is the pepo you know, if I wanted to think about it 2 times ... no? : B