Cats, like people, are increasing its lifetime. Some cats (especially those living in the house) reach age 20, with this, increases the risk of developing diseases such as loss of vision, memory impairment and mental impairment deficiecia known as or Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) for their abbreviation in English.
Almost half of all cats older than 15 suffer from at least one of the following behavior problems related to CDS:
* Confusion. CDS cats seem to be lost and desoriendtados, sit for long periods looking at a wall or get stuck in small places.
* seems distant. It is normal for cats to interact less time, but affected cats with CDS do not want anything or want to care a lot more than before. Some cats do not recognize family members.
* cries a lot. Loud and incessant meowing at night.
* You lose the litter box. Many cats with CDS may forget where her litter box.
* sleeps a lot more than before. it is normal for older cats sleep a lot, but cats with CDS sleep much or sleep all day and was very anxious at night.
The CDS can be prevented or treated?
According to unpublished studies by increasing the Consummer of antioxidants in the cat's diet can reduce cognitive decline and keep your cat mentally and physically activo mejora la función cerebral y detiene el deterioro mental. También se ha llegado a la conclusión de que alguos antioxidantes en gatos empeoran los síntomas del CDS. Pregunta al veterinario de tu gato como puedes prevenir, manejar y tratar esta enfermedad.
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