Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tiffany Granath Foto Hard

classroom size and school performance outlay

report determinants of success in primary education in Spain (March/2010) of Brindusa Anghel and Antonio Cabrales, Foundation for Applied Economic Studies .
With respect to the variables of school level, the first conclusion is that class size appears to have no significant effect on the performance of students
. This evidence is important because the usual response of some sectors to educational problems is that more resources are needed. The evidence on class size means that additional resources can be easily squandered in unproductive policies. [...]

Consistent with previous research findings that are summarized on our review of the literature, we find no strong evidence that reducing class size improves academic performance of children. [...] The teacher / student ratio is not a factor. Someday
social policies (hahaha) will be rigorous criteria and supported by evidence. Meanwhile, pull the best selling and best sound.

PS (26/03/1910). I came to this study by Aprendemás page .

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mount & Blade Wedding Dance Hack

ghost university projects - read in the press

university outlay projects

Araceli Mangas The interest in the situation of scientific research has been occupying more than usual to the media to the extent that innovation, knowledge and competitiveness can help achieve the so-called "new economy" that takes us away from the economic and financial crisis.

Like many other academics and for many years, the state agency (ANEP) and regional agencies responsible for me to evaluate research projects that have random groups of teachers (or even consolidated research groups) to choose in the fields of law, sometimes the Ciencias Sociales y de las Humanidades, a una financiación con dinero público. También he formado parte, en el pasado, en varias ocasiones del comité ministerial que finalmente selecciona los proyectos y el reparto del dinero para cada proyecto. En todos mis informes e intervenciones he expuesto ya estas preocupaciones.

En pocas ocasiones (¿un 10 o 15%?), tras hacer la evaluación, me he encontrado con verdaderas propuestas de investigación. La mayoría de las solicitudes son temas muy trillados, con decenas de monografías o artículos ya publicados en España (y por ende, con centenares de trabajos en nuestro entorno europeo o internacional). Son asuntos, too often too general and therefore no possibility of adding knowledge.

Without specifying the concrete under investigation, calling dozens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to travel for a number of countries, for example, to find the rules, judgments and other documents which are a mouse stroke the computer that pays the state, including the Internet connection in your office or found in our libraries (in general, very well equipped in democracy ...). And such projects get public funding because the vast majority of experts who make reports in a society act as mutual aid, for you today, tomorrow for me.

In the most honest, project applications are a way to fund maintenance of journals, selectively attend to a good conference and the renewal of computer equipment. But it is not research.

turn, to complete the waste, the universities, in debt for generations, assigns, to please his customers more mediocre games research money for projects that were rejected by the national or regional agencies or simply not bother to compete. Party for all, now pays Autonomous Community, all of us.

few years I was on a committee that reviewed proposals for short stays abroad and how curious! a large majority was in August when many European and American universities for research, although the libraries open as ours, the main responsible of the research groups are on vacation and could hardly engage in scientific relations with them, it would be today main purpose of these trips ... Paid leave the state budget.

I'm not going to solve the old question what is research. But what is not, it should be clear, is the repetition of existing knowledge, that is not research. That teachers must be trained and expand their knowledge is needed, but it is continuing education and does not require more than a stable budgets and properly maintained libraries (collections of digital journals, if any, or the Gutenberg galaxy, and procurement of books), many projects are fake research projects and the aim can be achieved in the old way when there was no money to squander: the readings are systematic and comprehensive research and published others, accessible and already paid in university libraries, this is how we are to form and investigate us new horizons.

Research is to create knowledge, add new knowledge to existing, trying to solve new problems in society. General topics, reinventing the wheel, other reports published over a thousand times, in scientific and legal areas are close to me, there is no investigation. A great teacher said you can not do research on "the Atlantic" but on a drop in the ocean ... We are not surprised that we do not take seriously the scientists 'white coat' (But should also reflect on the control of their projects, their true level and the easy and affordable way to get research sexenios or sections for all).

fraud investigation in Spain is serious. In addition to funding projects on issues and cases studied groups at universities and teachers evaluates we add points in his career by the number of research projects funded and the amounts obtained feeding back the fraud. Quantities imported, not the quality of results. And also to universities and teachers assessed the number of theses directed, so it does not matter if they are kidnapped or are a Google spin or thousands of documents on the network, the more the better. We all know what the members of the court, nobody wants trouble, it is a social act and a few more points to the positive evaluation piggy bank in future promotions or to stop teaching load. And a thesis for the English statistics and team rector grateful.

Many colleagues believe that publishing is investigated. The research required to transmit to the scientific community and society and, therefore, requires the publication through the appropriate channels, but not everything that's published research. Surely, never had published so much and so easily in the social sciences and law. But we also know that innovation jobs are few. Often published because society (government, business, etc.) Require our knowledge and its systematization. But it is not research. Provide new ideas or novel approaches is not easy or come to it every day ... All we publish more than investigate.

fact, is published both in recent times because the systems Aneca assessment and regional anequitas are so evil that, again, it only interested in the number of theses, the number of projects funded and the number of publications and not the contents ... Even showing that the same work, only with different title and opening paragraph-by if they ask for a photocopy of the front page, "was included several times, they welcome each one of them. Teachers already know the trap and the same work is published several times with different titles in books or in magazines and, yes, indexed, which is a mere formality to meet the vast majority of magazines, as required Bolognese education bureaucracies. No one should be surprised that our universities rank far down on the valuation Europe and worldwide.

In Spain, teachers and universities are evaluated by accumulation and external cues ... Without reading the contents. As the gentleman of the Buscón, with stick in mouth to pretend that he had eaten meat. The research is not interested in Spain. Just the appearances and spend and spend in a shaky economy (though not because of the no research policy). I'm not in a position to know whether Spain needs more resources in research, but I know there is good practice to select projects on new problems, unknown, and require new solutions. There waste, with or without the economic crisis. As always, making friends. ( World, 02/03/1910)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm Giving Away My Poptropica Account

As watapike-man!

Y pensar que tiene que haber un terremoto y tienen que gritarte por la caja esa que murieron casi 800 personas para que te pares y digas "Quiero ayudar"...

Probablemente no lo veas, pero yo me siento mal por Chile, no me agrada esta explosión de Caridad y de busqueda de crecimiento personal a cuestas de una catástrofe para tanta gente, porque sé que se acabará y la gente se olvidará y volvera a lo de siempre...

Rezo porque de todos, algunos de the thousands who are helping to realize that there are still sick, the poor, dispossessed, the lonely ... In a stupid movie is said that humans can only be good when something bad happens ...

Another very good movie said: " is easy to be deep and think of a philosophy class" , so it is easy to help in such times ... the real challenge is to help your life, rather than your life and ongoing service support ...

PD: No, I'm not saying "no help", before getting angry, please read what I write well ...