Mudándote with your cat. These days
move house, state, country or even continent is not uncommon because of the pace of life that takes in the world today. This leads to all sorts of changes, not only from home. It's a total adjustment and stressful for us and for your cat, they move from department is almost as stressful as move out of the country. Being
animales de costumbres, los gatos sufren mucho el cambio de lo que ellos siente la seguridad de un hogar. Todo es cuestión de adaptarse pero pueden estar sensibles a cualquier estimulo.
Las personas que dejan a sus gatos atrás están cometiendo uno de los más crueles actos con su mascota. La falta de seguridad y confort durante la mudanza es bastante molesto, pero perder a la familia que siente como suya seguramente le rompe el espíritu a cualquier gato.
Algo que debemos tener en mente es que un gato es que las emociones y razonamiento de un gato es equivalente a los de un niño de 2 años. Recordando eso hará la mudanza mucho más llevadera para todos los involucrados. Con comprensión, paciencia y amor your cat will have two rewards. Pussycat You accept the change with less stress and better performance and you will install more quickly in your new home.
If you are moving a short distance takes things little by little before making it heavier and not choose a room where many visitors arrive. If you move into a house that is also a little more withdrawn choose a quiet room where you put things and your cat's favorite furniture and boxes are not targets unless absolutely necessary and then put your cat (make sure doors and windows are closed) and slowly begins to discover the place when you are ready, but by way of while and have a place where you feel safe and comfortable. If you have to put boxes in that room disfrázalas with blankets or towels with your stage and the old house, do not wash them before you go and remember to put the litter box in the right place, where they feel very exposed and not this close to your food. Preferably
take your cat to the end of moving heavy, this will eliminate a lot of stress involved in itself change.
Again, remember that the Pacience is your best ally in these situations.

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