clinic record a 'cure' homosexualityFor starters, what disease or not is never determined by scientific evidence. The normal and acceptable are the result of social consensus behind them, without much scratching, are values. Homosexuality left the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders thanks to pressure from gay groups, and mainly because it was meaningless common (common sense) ¹.
The Catalan Generalitat has opened a file to a clinic in Barcelona to implement therapies to cure homosexuality. Tibidabo Polyclinic makers offer their patients, presumably, pills and psychiatric treatment to stop being gay. "There is no scientific evidence that homosexuality hold should be treated as a disease, regardless of personal ideology, "he said yesterday the Minister of Health, Marina Geli, to investigate whether other psychiatric centers also apply medical solutions to sexual orientation. ( The Country , 15/06 / 10).
Second, something to be treated with pills do not imply that it is considered a disease. Having more than seventy-five men with erection problems is not a disease, but there are treatments with pills for the occasion. The match condition is medical treatment have a very limited conception of the role of physicians. Pulling
simple logic, there are two options we can ofrecersi psychological or medical consultation comes a person who is dissatisfied with being gay (or have little breast, or with being albino ...),: facilitating change or help to accept what is there. The pequeño gran detalle , el caso de la homosexualidad, es:
What About So-Called "Conversion Therapies"?Dicho de otro modo: currently no effective therapy to change sexual orientation. Whoever offers, is blowing smoke. Is generating customer expectations that may not satisfy. Is demonstrating that, or do not know the latest developments in their discipline, or is a swindler.
Some therapists who undertake so-called conversion therapy report that they have been able to change their clients' sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Close scrutiny of these reports, however. show several factors that cast doubt on their claims. For example, many of these claims come from organizations with an ideological perspective that condemns homosexuality. Furthermore, their claims are poorly documented; for example, treatment outcome is not followed and reported over time, as would be the standard to test the validity of any mental health intervention.
Do you agree here? If your answer is yes, please justify why not charge against Clinical Tibidado (and many more) to offer homeopathic treatments (useless), many doctors who provide protein diet (useless) and other interventions in the field of health, not that are not supported by data but the evidence clearly shows that they are useless. There are many, many professionals who do not read a single magazine that in his life viewing Cochrane Library or the like, for which health is no longer the stuff of science but of "enlightened intuition." People who do damage (and the upper limit damage health and know what it is), which lose money ... and can sleep so quiet because they claim to cure homosexuality. ¹
no room for doubt, share this common-sense which homosexuality is not a disease. I can hardly imagine rational arguments to defend the opposite. But my arguments are non-disease based on values, not science.
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