I put in old post I explained the advantages and benefits of having a cat in the house. While some cats are sleeping in their houses others are out running the risk of contracting FIV (feline AIDS Tami transmitted through saliva) wildlife hunting, defecating in gardens of neighbors, invading property, dodging cars etc
And we know that on the street are continually stress as noises, cars, dogs, people and territorial fights with other cats. All these are problems that increase your adrenaline level by leaving it in a state of "attacks or is" under the circumstances. The persistence of this increases their level of cortisone what is causing various health problems like gastric ulcers, decreased crecimiendo, letup immune response, to name a few. Cats indoors live longer and better.
But there are people who think that cats are free-spirited and that is cruelty to stay at home. So how to fix this problem? easy, filling all the needs of the cat, but appropriate to the house.
Hunting and Jumping:
must always be toys that fill that need, feathers, yarn, stuffed mice, all this serves to stop it.

Food and water:
have to have the amount of food needed by age and weight is always at hand, and remember bring them fresh water daily.

Her litter box clean and free of odors, which is the right size and in a place where you have privacy. You have to have a box for each cat over that we have. For example: 1gato = 2cajas, 3gatos = 4cajas.

very different from the common U.S. What you think cats learn things and learn quickly. Can be trained to come when called to duty whilst respecting the house and even to give the leg or sitting. You just need patience and a juicy prize. In one post that I will then teach you simple tricks to your cat.
Also if you want you can buy a cat harness and teach him to walk with you on the street, obviously with great care and remember that there are dogs that could be tossing to attack.

View interesting things:
Having access to a window (closed course or fly) provides a very good distraction and could be spying on the neighbors for hours.

Elevation zones:
Being able to see above it is a safeguard, the back of a chair or a bookcase. if you do not want to sell your furniture using a very simple, but as stairways lined with carpet, these are excellent.

again worth mentioning that not used for "scraping" the use for the scratch mark territory, to have several at home you avoid damaging your furniture and they have things to consider of your property.

Private Place:
Cats need a place where you feel safe and can escape at times to be alone with his thoughts, as under calm or table. Some cats love cardboard boxes house.

This is optional, only if the cat is alone for long periods of time should consider a partner to have him not feel lonely and bored.

In view of these things that cover all the basic needs of a cat should not feel that it's cruel to have it inside. A cat can not leave the house to live long, happy and healthy at your side.
You better inside and it was big and flat.
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