Looking for a kitten? How can you say if you are a shy cat, a lap cat or an adventurer with just see it in the animal shelter?
Kit Jenkins, Program Manager in PetSmar Charities for 20 years has studied the behavior of dogs and cats in animal shelters. She has developed a theory of behavior based on the shape of the face of cats. Of course the cat's behavior is influenced by genetic and individual experiences of each animal, but she claims that it also may be related to the physical form of the face. This is how she describes the different types:
Square: These cats have a large and solid head and body cuadradra rectangular and the Maine Coon. Jenkins describes as "farmers in the world of Cats." Cats are quiet and affectionate nature, like to give and receive love.

Round: These have flat faces, large eyes and round heads as the Persian. They are like lap cats have little energy, are easily frightened and are submissive to show their affection with the people that is commonly associated.

Triangular: They have long faces, elegant, slim and with big ears. She defined as "Pastors of the world of cats, not because they really can graze, but because they are intelligent and active atléicos. They fit perfectly in a home where there is much movement.

is obviously not an exact science but in my opinion, along with other specialists and veterinarians agree comportamieno know this can be a tool to find a cat that suits our style life.
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