Last night I was ready to sleep like one o'clock in the morning when my husband and I heard some grumbling in the street, we remain silent to hear more wrong. In it you hear a --- Beto and notebooks that leave !!--- I look was a dog shaking a cat, I had only one leg and then threw him. At that time you could just yell at the owner how stupid I was for not wearing a belt, knowing his dog attacks. When we got the guy and his dog (now with belt and was on the corner).
The priority was to see the cat that was already under a car in the other houses many people looked, but nobody helped. Mr. Jack was in shock, snarled and attacked us and started trying to put on the hood of the car. Obviously could not but his position made it impossible to capture. Miguel went to the house for a can of food for our cats, we knew he would not eat, breathe and was an achievement. As he marked Mary to help me to think that half of my brain decided to close early before the stress, Mr. Jack is put to a public parking lot and I lost sight. I woke up the lamp with all the sorrow in the world to let the tin can and tell him that if he saw me play at the next bell. But did not see him again.
is horrible not knowing what happened to the cat and could not sleep well for it, but what is most frightening is the indifference of the people, we agree that it is not the fault of the dog owner suffering from clinical imbecility, know that the responsibility lies with the guy. Now hypothetically speaking, if I were driving while singing the "We're in the car ride "from Sesame Street and this man was like yesterday, eating boogers and dog block and a half later and crossed the street, I like going on lela singing and Beto's dad is too busy eating secretions, rest is imminent ... ran over his dog. Blame it on him and me but the dog pays What if I left the act? As with TOO reason in the world this man would send me hordes of Nazgul, orcs along with an army crazy ex-girlfriends all the universe to make me pay for my actions. But if the dog owner had no less serious and does not entitle me to leave, leave an injured animal on the street alone is more serious than the fact hurt.
all make mistakes, learn it, but in us rests the decision to take responsibility, it is unethical and is not ready to let someone else fix what we undo.

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