Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Milena Velba Gallery Free

As I can train my cat to use her litter box?

can train your cat to use her litter box between 3 or 4 weeks old. The box should be located in a quiet corner where the cat is not bothered destraiga or easily. Never put the litter box near the food. We must put the amount of sand needed so that the kitten can make a hole and bury their little things completely. Dale tiempoa acostumnrarse latite to the texture and smell of the litter box. If Occasionally it is made out just tell him: No! and bring it to your mailbox. To inspire the Gatin to use box area assume she put it on after lunch, when they give them more desire to go to relieve themselves.

If after that, still refuses to use the cash it, change of place and change the type of sand.

Wedding Congradulation Samples

17 Things worth knowing about your cat.

I know is in English but even the pictures are funny!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Good Cheap Wooden Fingerboards

My cats are fighting among themselves.

occasional fights between cats are common when there are multiple cats in one house. But when the fights become the standard can take some steps to stop them. Identifies

well who is the aggressor and who is attacked, separate them when they can not watch. When you see an attack hit the aggressor corrective action (no hits) and attacked a prize.

Corrective measures can include: confinement for short periods of time in a less attractive place, put a collar with bell on the offender or squirt water spray during the attacks (not before and not after)

Awards for the assault may be: let him go around the house or give affection.

Gradually increase the interactions between them, rewarding them for good behavior and punishing them if the opposite occurs.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Savanna Samson And Dale

Aranitas float flying in the wind,
while choking me, but escaped
to fly between the taps of the sky,
and love in the grass accomplice ...

My mother smiles with evening and I think sunrises

"I wish I had more than 7 days a week"

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Symptoms Of Gallbladder Polyps

Liberation Day!

That feeling when you understand something, when something inside you "click" and releases an enormous weight your back, your soul, like a game, a simple layman ... I feel I understand a little more, and although I understand that what we know is infinite ... I am relieved to know that something else ...

"I'm creation of others, and others are my creation ... "


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Liefebook Tseries 5010

Tu cat is getting old man?

Cats, like people, are increasing its lifetime. Some cats (especially those living in the house) reach age 20, with this, increases the risk of developing diseases such as loss of vision, memory impairment and mental impairment deficiecia known as or Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) for their abbreviation in English.

Almost half of all cats older than 15 suffer from at least one of the following behavior problems related to CDS:

* Confusion. CDS cats seem to be lost and desoriendtados, sit for long periods looking at a wall or get stuck in small places.

* seems distant. It is normal for cats to interact less time, but affected cats with CDS do not want anything or want to care a lot more than before. Some cats do not recognize family members.

* cries a lot. Loud and incessant meowing at night.

* You lose the litter box. Many cats with CDS may forget where her litter box.

* sleeps a lot more than before. it is normal for older cats sleep a lot, but cats with CDS sleep much or sleep all day and was very anxious at night.

The CDS can be prevented or treated?

According to unpublished studies by increasing the Consummer of antioxidants in the cat's diet can reduce cognitive decline and keep your cat mentally and physically activo mejora la función cerebral y detiene el deterioro mental. También se ha llegado a la conclusión de que alguos antioxidantes en gatos empeoran los síntomas del CDS. Pregunta al veterinario de tu gato como puedes prevenir, manejar y tratar esta enfermedad.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why Have I Had 2 Colposcopys

Qué es la Toxoplasmosis?

Es una infección común causada por un parásito unicelular llamado Toxoplasma Gondii que puede ser adquirido por todos los animales de sangre caliente.

Cómo es que lo gatos se infectan con T.Gondii?

Los gatos se infectan por comer presas como rodeores y pájaros o comiendo carne contaminada mal cocida.

I can acquire toxoplasmosis by an infected cat?

Yes, but it is not easy and not through direct contact with the cat. This is because cats only release eggs of T. gondii through their feces, which means that must be ingested by accident menera feces to be spread by means of a jack unfectado. As the eggs are passed in the feces, which occurs 2 to 3 weeks after the initial contact with Toxoplasma, the cat is no danger of infection anymore.

How else I can infect me?

The 3 most common causes are:

1) Eating meat contaminated raw or undercooked meat or contaminated vegetables and fruits.
2) Drinking water contaminated.
3) Enter into direct contact with contaminated soil and ingest accidentally.

I can stay with my cat if I'm pregnant?

If there is no reason to get rid of your pet. But if you've never caught in the past, it is dangerous for the first time acquire toxoplasmosis during pregnancy or if you are immunocompromised is better than someone else clean the litter box. If you can not delegate this work to anyone, just use wadding to do so.

As I can prevent my cat from getting infected?

* Keep your cat indoors and feed them only with canned food or kibble, never raw or undercooked meat. * While

you are pregnant do not adopt a new cat because it can be infected and your cat may be purchased.

As I buy I can prevent toxoplasmosis?

Most people do not need to worry about aduirir infection, but have an immune suppression or are pregnant there are simple steps to avoid a purchase.

* inmudepresora If you have any disease you should get blood tests to see if you had the infection, in this case your doctor will tell you what steps you should follow. If no satisfactory result can take some precautions to avoid infection.

* If you're planning to get pregnant, you should also make a study to see if you've already purchased. If positive do not worry, if it is negative to take extra precautions to avoid acquiring during pregnancy.

* Wear gloves to clean the box area or when you're in the garden.

* Wash your hands thoroughly after outdoor activities, especially before eating or preparing food.

* Ask for help from someone healthy and not pregnant to help you handle raw meat. If anyone can help, using latex wadding. Wash your hands thoroughly after taking untensiliosde kitchen.

* Cook meat well, until you have red areas in the center and juices run clear. * Drink water


* Wash and disinfect fruits and vegetables well.

My cat can pass me forever?

No. Cats only spread it through their feces for 2 to 3 weeks after acquiring the infection for the first time. Like humans, cats rarely have symptoms but there are many tests to see if your stools are contaminated.

There are many medications available to treat the infection if you already have a confirmed diagnosis and are pregnant or have an immune suppression, talk to your doctor to see which treatment is the best for you.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Shoe Company Names & Symbols

Toxoplasmosis FAQ My cat can love me?

There is a very old belief that cats are just animals "loners" who use humans to fill their bellies and have a roof. That's just a myth that people have invented to justify the lack of care on many occasions given to her cats. The cats are capable of forming strong bonds and express emotions like fear, doubt, insertidumbre, confusion and even love.

There are some studies that show these three very important points:
cats share our private
our brain chemistry. Ellso also produce oxytocin, the hormone responsible for generating the feelings of warmth, trust and closeness in humans and other mammals.

Cats are like children when they are with their owners. They feel confident to explore their surroundings if their owners are nearby.

Cats extrañana us when we left. Al cotrario of what is thought, cats, dogs like cats suffer from separation anxiety when left alone. They tend to get bored and fall activities because they want to acerlas removed.

Many things prove that we want as our cats purr when we get home to, or simply the fact of having us at the entrance, you give us light "cabezasos" (especially when we are sad) or blink slowly as we see us in the eye, everything is says "I love you." So

what remains is to answer them nuenstros furry friends with the same love we give and we simpre believe in the old beliefs, which are only beliefs are not facts.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Orkester Sound Bank Reason 3

A cute video

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pain On Exterior Of Foot

"When love is poetry and the heart a book

I created this blog to share some of my creations intimate, such that over time have accumulated to the rhythm of the sounds of my life. This time, start to navigate some poems, which were created in the inspiration of many people, real or not real ....

My goal is to share with those with a taste for creative writing in an interactive space that apparently has no limits, and also motivate others to just write and create.

This time, I publish my poetry love entitled "When love is poetry and the heart a book

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Letter Of Sales Of A Car, Or Property

What to do if you abut a kitten in the street.

Did you notice a cat in your neighborhood that seems to have no home or being lost? If you are interested give him a hand takes into consideration these tips to help you help:

First of all make sure you have no home and that just might be lost. See if the cat is sociable with humans, it is normal to be scared but if not close to any human could be feral (cats that have not had any contact with people). That is feral If you notice you can send me a comment and discuss the case together. But back to your kittens.

Be careful when you try to zoom in and never get if he does not want. Earn their trust and be patient. You can also get loans I'll get a special traps, they are activated when the animal comes to eat and close behind him.

As soon as you have, create a safe environment for him

* Put the cat in a room separate from food, fresh water and litter box.

* Try to locate the owner. Czech not have a chip of identification or a badge on his collar (in case of collar), take photo and paste notices in the area saying you found a stray cat.

* If not located the owner must seek a new home, looking for friends and colleagues if they do not want the kitten or analyze if it is a good addition to your family. I recommend sterilized before delivery to reduce the chances of re-escape.

* Get support from protective to help you find home. If you no longer have more time, you might consider key to a protective but make sure it is one where not sleep if you are not home soon. With these simple

tips you can change the fate of an animal for the rest of his life. If you've decided to help a homeless animal let me congratulate you because it is one of the most rewarding activities you can do.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Naturİzme Vİdeo

Why should I fill out the adoption application?

This is a very common question among prospective adopters, and the answer is very simple. It fills an adoption application to analyze if the pet you want to suit your lifestyle and customs. We have dogs and cats with different "personalities" and different needs.

Applications also serve to keep control in the adoption file, it keeps us in touch with families if necessary.

So do not take it personally, do not take more than 5 minutes and is to help you find the pet you are looking for and to be sure your prospective adoptee.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Shiny Rayquaza Emerald

Like having healthy and happy cat indoors Gatuna

I put in old post I explained the advantages and benefits of having a cat in the house. While some cats are sleeping in their houses others are out running the risk of contracting FIV (feline AIDS Tami transmitted through saliva) wildlife hunting, defecating in gardens of neighbors, invading property, dodging cars etc

And we know that on the street are continually stress as noises, cars, dogs, people and territorial fights with other cats. All these are problems that increase your adrenaline level by leaving it in a state of "attacks or is" under the circumstances. The persistence of this increases their level of cortisone what is causing various health problems like gastric ulcers, decreased crecimiendo, letup immune response, to name a few. Cats indoors live longer and better.

But there are people who think that cats are free-spirited and that is cruelty to stay at home. So how to fix this problem? easy, filling all the needs of the cat, but appropriate to the house.

Hunting and Jumping:

must always be toys that fill that need, feathers, yarn, stuffed mice, all this serves to stop it.

Food and water:

have to have the amount of food needed by age and weight is always at hand, and remember bring them fresh water daily.


Her litter box clean and free of odors, which is the right size and in a place where you have privacy. You have to have a box for each cat over that we have. For example: 1gato = 2cajas, 3gatos = 4cajas.


very different from the common U.S. What you think cats learn things and learn quickly. Can be trained to come when called to duty whilst respecting the house and even to give the leg or sitting. You just need patience and a juicy prize. In one post that I will then teach you simple tricks to your cat.

Also if you want you can buy a cat harness and teach him to walk with you on the street, obviously with great care and remember that there are dogs that could be tossing to attack.

View interesting things:

Having access to a window (closed course or fly) provides a very good distraction and could be spying on the neighbors for hours.

Elevation zones:

Being able to see above it is a safeguard, the back of a chair or a bookcase. if you do not want to sell your furniture using a very simple, but as stairways lined with carpet, these are excellent.


again worth mentioning that not used for "scraping" the use for the scratch mark territory, to have several at home you avoid damaging your furniture and they have things to consider of your property.

Private Place:

Cats need a place where you feel safe and can escape at times to be alone with his thoughts, as under calm or table. Some cats love cardboard boxes house.


This is optional, only if the cat is alone for long periods of time should consider a partner to have him not feel lonely and bored.

In view of these things that cover all the basic needs of a cat should not feel that it's cruel to have it inside. A cat can not leave the house to live long, happy and healthy at your side.

You better inside and it was big and flat.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Will Aids Come For Gays

Geometry and Personalities. Dinky

Looking for a kitten? How can you say if you are a shy cat, a lap cat or an adventurer with just see it in the animal shelter?

Kit Jenkins, Program Manager in PetSmar Charities for 20 years has studied the behavior of dogs and cats in animal shelters. She has developed a theory of behavior based on the shape of the face of cats. Of course the cat's behavior is influenced by genetic and individual experiences of each animal, but she claims that it also may be related to the physical form of the face. This is how she describes the different types:

Square: These cats have a large and solid head and body cuadradra rectangular and the Maine Coon. Jenkins describes as "farmers in the world of Cats." Cats are quiet and affectionate nature, like to give and receive love.

Round: These have flat faces, large eyes and round heads as the Persian. They are like lap cats have little energy, are easily frightened and are submissive to show their affection with the people that is commonly associated.

Triangular: They have long faces, elegant, slim and with big ears. She defined as "Pastors of the world of cats, not because they really can graze, but because they are intelligent and active atléicos. They fit perfectly in a home where there is much movement.

is obviously not an exact science but in my opinion, along with other specialists and veterinarians agree comportamieno know this can be a tool to find a cat that suits our style life.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Windows Live Messenger Keeps Changing My Name

Dinky is the dog of my mother, and has over 16 years and as expected is seriously and has taken the difficult decision putting it to sleep after 10 May. While Dinky was a very special dog (not to say Awful) and did not want anyone but my mother decided to write this post as a small tribute to the dog that saw me grow and has given my company mom all this time. You will be greatly missed

Dinky and Cantellano Family name ... Thanks.

Free Blueprint Wooden Swing

few months ago I saw a nail protectors of the cats on the Internet, and decided to buy one just for testing. Silicone Cases are sticking in the nails of cats, is an excellent alternative wing tearing. When I put my cats I was surprised how little they have and how much it bothered me protect your nails to play and try my furniture when scratching.

I would paste pictures of my cats but I have are trasnparentes and indistinct, but I hit the page for the checks to those interested.

The page is in English because only sold in the U.S. and Canada but from there they can send the request.

Greetings! Commissioned by Dany

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mount And Blade Wedding Dance Tips

Soft Claws ® Cat of the Week !!.... MINE!


Steady State Heat Conduction Solution By Scip

How come my cat shows his love?

Although it is commonly thought that Cat shows you love when you rub on our legs, this is done by instinct to mark its essence, in fact we are claiming as part of its territory.

They show their affection when we are stuck with your head Spinning tops. You can also rub on your chin or nose. This is done from babies to stay with their mothers when they need care and cleaning. Some cats do it with such emotion that can come to drool.

So do not bother you every time your cat is up to bed to rub her head on your face, think of the compliment love that is giving you.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dolichocephaly Baby Scan

my cat's age

many times have we asked the equivalence that is the age of your cat in human years? Is the myth that a cat year is 7 years of a man, but that is as stated a myth. There is no exact science to calculate these things, but we know that a cat aboriginal women their status as "Mister" at the age of 7 and is considered old at age 12. Experts estimate that a cat year equals 15 human years, but the development of old age is not constant. The following table is to give us an idea of \u200b\u200bhow our older kitten

Cat Years

Comparison in



Cat Years

Comparison in Years
